If It Wasn’t For You…

Today, I enjoyed another great spring weather in Sydney.Springtime in Sydney, Australia

I went to visit a very good friend of mine who cooked a delicious, light lunch for us.  Then we went for a nice, leisurely walk around her suburb.

I love days like this.  It refreshes my mind and I get a bit of a break from thinking about my writing and book promotions.  It also makes me appreciate the lifestyle that I live.

I love being an author.  I'm not tied to a particular schedule, I don't have strict “office hours” (although I do need to follow my own schedule for time management purposes) and I can travel anywhere with my husband and still be able to do my work.

It took me a while – years in fact – before I gave myself permission to “try” writing a novel.  I'm glad I finally did.  I'm no longer just trying to do something I thought I would like, I am doing what I love.

Being an author and getting my books known out there takes a lot of time and effort.  But I'd rather be working hard doing what I love than doing something that doesn't inspire me.

So today was a reminder for me to be grateful that I am an author.  It will not always be springtime, the flowers won't always be in bloom, but I'm grateful that through my writing, I have the opportunity to continually give “life” to something that didn't exist before I put them in words.

And I am grateful to you for reading, whether you like what I write or not!  If it wasn't for you reading my books, my blogs, my tweets or my posts, my words would be like a scream that no one heard.